Modern Slavery Statement


At CY-Magazine, we are committed to conducting our business ethically and responsibly. As part of our dedication to corporate social responsibility, we recognize the importance of addressing and combatting modern slavery in all its forms. This Modern Slavery Statement outlines the steps we have taken to ensure that slavery and human trafficking are not taking place in our operations or supply chains.

Our Business

CY-Magazine, the official website at, is a CBD blog committed to providing reliable, informative, and engaging content related to CBD and holistic wellness. Our mission is to empower individuals to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle.

Our Supply Chains

While CY-Magazine is primarily a content-driven platform, we are committed to ensuring that any potential risks of modern slavery are identified and addressed. Our supply chains primarily involve content creation, technology services, and partnerships with contributors. We expect the same commitment to ethical practices from our suppliers and partners.

Our Policies

CY-Magazine has established and maintains policies that reflect our commitment to preventing modern slavery, including:

Supplier Code of Conduct

We require all our suppliers to adhere to ethical business practices, including a commitment to combatting modern slavery.

Due Diligence

We conduct due diligence to identify and assess potential risks of modern slavery in our supply chains and partnerships.

Employee Training

Our team members are educated on modern slavery risks, and they play a role in identifying and mitigating these risks.

Actions Taken

In 2022, CY-Magazine has taken the following actions to address modern slavery:

Supplier Audits

We have conducted audits of key suppliers to assess their compliance with our Supplier Code of Conduct.

Training and Awareness

We have provided training to our employees to raise awareness of modern slavery issues and to equip them with the knowledge to identify and report any concerns.

Continuous Improvement

We are committed to continuous improvement and will regularly review and update our policies and practices to address emerging risks.

Future Steps

Looking ahead, CY-Magazine will:

Expand Due Diligence

Continue to expand due diligence processes to ensure a thorough understanding of modern slavery risks in our supply chains.

Collaborate with Suppliers

Collaborate with suppliers and partners to develop strategies for addressing modern slavery collectively.

Public Reporting

Consider public reporting on our efforts to combat modern slavery, fostering transparency and accountability.


CY-Magazine is dedicated to playing its part in eradicating modern slavery and will continue to take proactive steps to ensure our business operations align with ethical and responsible practices. We invite our community to join us in this commitment as we work together towards a world free from slavery and exploitation.

This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes our Modern Slavery Statement for the financial year ending 31st December 2022.